Birtley Lane, December 13th 1858
Dear Charlton
In reply to your note I had from you I am sorry to read that you have lost your child, but children break no houses. I feel happy to hear you are both well yourselves thank God for it, with respect to the money affair, I went to Newcastle on Tuesday last and read Mr Hunter. He had wrote to London about it ten days ago and has had a reply from them a few days since and I was with him on Saturday last again, he told me it wod (sic. would) be all settled next week. I hope that we will get the affair completed. Please to name this latter to Mr William’s people so that they may be in readiness when you hear from Mr Hunter or myself. I expect my brother coming but I don’t want him to come till we all meet, thank God we are all in our usually way, hoping this will find you all with our kindest regards to you all.
Yours Truly
Parker Braban